Development Partner


Our development partner for Vets Village is BuildZoom, a construction consulting firm providing services nationwide, Grow Moringa Cooperative of Plant City Florida who will provide training for vets seeking to work in the MoringaLink Processing Center that will process and package moringa- based products for the hundreds of area moringa farmers who are members of the Grow Moringa Cooperative, and the Tesla Corporation who are actively recruiting veterans for training and employment. Our time frame is flexible, but we are encourage to move forward with all deliberate speed because of the growing need for transitional services for vets in the 82 VA Medical Centers and domiciliaries in the State of Florida alone.


Barry Grimes-Hardie - General Manager.

Do you need our services?

Have a question about our services or want to learn more about how you find a job and a place to live through Vets Village? Please contact us and let us work with you to improve your future.